
Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science


Engineering Presentations


a) Did the presentation demonstrate a practical problem or need?
b) Was significant research presented leading to a proposed solution?
c) Were limitations and controls explained? 


a) Is the proposed solution practical and viable?
b) Is the solution economically feasible?
c) Do the experimental methods follow a logical sequence?
d) Was a testable model developed?
e) Is there evidence of signficant repetition to support results and conclusions?


a) Did the model demonstrate engineering skill?
b) Did the model demonstrate creativity in design and construction?
c) Does the student have a quality product?
c) Did the presenter address areas of improvement and/or further developement?


The presentation should, preferably, be in the form of a free talk employing good oral communication skills. The time restrictions in the rules necessitate planning and rehearsal.

a) Is the presentation clear and easy to understand?
b) Do the visual aids enhance the audience's understanding?
c) Did the presenter speak clearly and refer to notecards rather than read from them?
d) Did the student demonstrate a clear grasp of the topic?
d) Is the student's competency with the principles such that he can answer questions with clarity and elaborate where necessary to make a point?


This criterion is an overall subjective evaluation of the student's wrok considering age level, depth, complexity of the subject matter, as well as the student's success in achieving his purpose or objective. 



Exceeds Characteristics 5
Meets ALL of the Characteristics 4
Meets MOST of the Characteristics 3
Meets FEW of the Characteristics 2
Meets NONE of the Characteristics 1

Revused September 2017

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