
Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science

Presentation FAQs

 See also the Regional Presentation FAQs

What types of Presentation Media are acceptable?

Digital PDF Presentations and traditional Overhead Transparencies are considered to be the "Standard Media Formats".

However, PJAS is in transition, so there is NO MANDATORY UNIFORM Presentation Format for the 2013-2014 PJAS Competition.

Please confirm with your Sponsor or Regional Director to determine which Presentation format(s) are required and/or accepted in YOUR specific region. 

Please refer to Presentation Media Guidelines & Requirements for additional details.

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Will the Presentation Format vary from Region to State

YES. PJAS is making the transition from traditional Overhead Transparencies to Digital PDF Presentations. So there is NO UNIFORM Presentation at this time.  It will depend on your Region AND the unit to which you are assigned at States

STATE COMPETITION: PJAS State Competition will be using BOTH Presentation formats, so the presentation format that you may use at the State Competition will be determined by your room assignment. 

REGIONAL COMPETITION:  During this time of transition, the standard format used at the Regional Competition may vary from region to region. The Presentation type(s) you may use is based on YOUR specific region, so check with your specific region to determine which Presentation format(s) are required and/or accepted.
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How will I know what type of Presentation Format I may use?

Check with your Sponsor or Regional Director to determine which Presentation format(s) are required and/or accepted at your Regional Competition. 

At the PJAS State Competition BOTH digital and traditional overhead transparencies will be used. The presentation format that you may use at the State Competition will be determined by your room assignment. Students will be notified in advance whether or not they will be in a digital unit. 


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Can I get help woth my Digital Presenation?

Please refer to the Digital Presentation FAQs for answers to the most common questions.  If you need further assistance, please contact your Sponsor or Regional Director or submit your question to Support (be sure to select your region from the drop-down and check Tech Support for your area of concern).  

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Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science