
Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science

Evaluation and Scoring

Projects are judged based on Scientific Thought, Experimental Methods, Analytical Approach and your Presentation. The following is an explanation of the scoring process and the standards for awards.  You may also review the Presentation Guidelines and Scoring Rubrics for more specific details.

  1. Research projects are judged on there own merit in meeting the PJAS criteria for judging rather than in competition with other projects.
  2. There is no limit to the number of each award that may be given in any presentation room.
  3. Each category of the judging criteria shall be scored on a 5-point system using integers only. 5 = excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = fair, and 1 = poor.
  4. The student shall receive an Award based solely on the average score per category per judge calculated by the following formula:

    Average Score = (Total score of all judges)/(5 x Total number of judges)

    The standards for Awards are:

  5. Judges should return to the Judging Headquarters or Talley Room to tally scores. Each judge shall make his/hers own evaluation of the presentations independent of the other members of the judging team. However, the team may confer to reach a final evaluation for the students' awards. Judges must sign both the Score Sheet and Summary Sheet before turning them in.
  6. Judges should complete the Judge's Comment Sheet if one is provided. These comments will be given to the students' sponsor.




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Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science